We can collect robust numerical data for cross sectional and longitudinal studies, supported by an analytics platform for ease of visualisation and comparison.
- Primary market research
- Large sampling capabilities
- Robust sampling methodology
Gaining the perspective of producers through a qualitative research approach can be crucial for projects requiring deep insight for complex industry and business problems.
- In-depth interviews
- Tailored surveys with open ended questions
- Enhance and contextualise numerical insights
- Customer journey insights
- Concept development and testing
How we can help
Our database allows us to survey Australian farmers across all sectors and regions, ensuring your campaign is both robust and relevant.
Benchmark and track your brand value perceptions and campaign success to gauge ROI and message cut through
Cross sectional and tracking studies specific to new product development, measuring campaign effectiveness and message cut through
Segment customers and non-customers for targeted insights
Identify potential growth sources and opportunities throughout the Australian agricultural industry
Utilise the full breadth of KG2’s database to connect with farmers
Identify gaps in the market and unmet needs through structured research campaigns, tailored to new product or service development
Segmentation analytics
Market and customer segmentation is an important part of many research projects, allowing for targeted and informed decision making. We offer proprietary segmentation analytics services as well as client specific solutions for specific industry and campaign needs.
Benchmark and monitor insights over time to reveal unique data trends and patterns. See our portfolio of syndicated longitudinal studies known as AgScan® for examples of industry specific solutions.
Get in touch
Australia’s largest independent farmer database
Or call us from +61 2 9191 9840 Monday to Friday