farm management software

Maintaining notebooks and spreadsheets are archaic methods of managing farms and keeping records. Modern-day farmers have switched to farm management software that helps them to cope with numerous hurdles such as climate change, pest infestation, decreasing soil fertility, and depleting resources.

What is farm management software?

Farm management software helps farmers achieve a profitable production, irrespective of the size of the farm business. Not only does the software help farmers in the daily operational planning, but it also adds to the efficiency and organisation in the field work. To get a comprehensive overview of the farm, the farmer needs to enter all the fieldwork and paperwork under a single-window of control. The software helps with the collection, processing, storage, and distribution of data in the form of information to carry out farm operations.

Why do farmers need farm management software?

  1. The software provides farmers with an overview of all farm activities that help in better planning and real-time tracking.
  2. Both business and operational data can be combined to improve efficiencies which increase the farmer’s ROI by early 20%.
  3. The weather forecasting and pest-detection features that the software supports alert farmers of risks.

Top 6 Farm Management Software in Australia


A cloud-based collaborative farm management software designed for scheduling, budgeting, cashflow monitoring, agronomic planning, real-time communication, etc. This software helps farmers, contractors, agronomists, and ag-retailers work parallelly on the same set of data. Users can also analyse agronomic and financial performance on a field level that helps in managing risk and increasing profitability.

Advantages of Agworld
  • Helps farmers organise their workflow
  • Provides easy access to essential data
  • Provides access to information anytime, at any location
  • Allows collaboration with stakeholders
  • Farmers can track the entire farm’s performance conveniently
  • It is a powerful reporting tool


The perfect farm management system for row and permanent crops, Conservis farm management system is a cloud-based system designed to enhance the productivity and profitability of agricultural businesses. It is an enterprise-ready solution that caters to both growers and institutional stakeholders, allowing them to visualise farm activities and assets in real-time. Not only this, but the software also creates operating scenarios, compares strategies, and analyses the harvesting process. Effective planning and budgeting help in generating more profitable crop plans based on different growing scenarios, projected margins, and optimising the cost per unit.

Advantages of Conservis
  • This software helps in accumulating their data to track field activities, manage inventories, and analyse harvest yield within a single, online platform, tailored to reflect any workflow.
  • The enterprise-grade software offers personalised consultation on not only the ongoing system support but also on implementing, deploying, and training.
  • Both row crop and production crop yields can be tracked at each stage of the production year- starting from planning, budgeting, inventory purchase and management, work orders, harvesting, and distribution.
  • Farmers can get an overview of the overall performance of the farm with the centralised, dashboard-based solution that comes with customisable widgets and graphical visualisations.
  • Conservis Tasks Inputs and Harvest and Tree Nuts are some of the native iOS and Android apps that help in managing and recording field activities, and recording production activities, respectively.


A renowned AgTech company and a global leader in developing farm management software; this digital agriculture solution provides stakeholders of the agri-food value chain with information regarding managing risks and maximising profitability, and geting value from farm data. A multi-lingual platform, AGRIVI is ISO certified for quality management, information, and cloud security. This platform also helps businesses manage data and activities and allows managers to gain deep insights into best-performing fields and practices, identify insufficiencies, and mitigate risks.

Advantages of AGRIVI
  • It is user-friendly
  • Helps with inventory and equipment tracking and management
  • Offers excellent customer support
  • Provides real-time data and helps in monitoring, reporting, managing, and updating the same


Designed to enhance farm productivity and generate the maximum possible revenue, this farm management software helps farmers build farm plans for each field ad anticipate the water requirement and effect of climate change on the crops. The Granular software analyses a large amount of data calculates the estimated value of every field and gives real-time analytics reports to the farmers that in turn help in making correct and timely decisions. Granular also provides farmers with a crop history for the past 5 years, including information about crop rotation for each piece of land, which helps in determining which crops to plant, and what revenue they can expect. Farmers can also track and manage all farming-related tasks.

 Advantages of Granular
  • Provides an assessment of profitability at crops level, field level, and an enterprise level.
  • Farmers can get real-time data and analytics on commodity training and determine the impact of input prices.
  • This farm management software offers information and expertise for farmers to be prepared for any unexpected hardships like crop failure or changes in the farms mid-season.
  • All farm-related information like crop prices, soil profile, etc. can be accessed on their mobile phones.


Featuring accounting, field operations, and agronomy, Traction allows farmers to analyse farm profitability and manage accounting records like deposits and expenses. The software comes with an in-built finance and accounting chart that helps farmers track profitability, expenses, inventory, and revenue in real-time. Farmers can organise and log field records and monitor fieldwork activities like tillage, seeding, fertilising, and spraying using the field operation functions. Agronomists get assistance regarding nutrient management and soil sampling with the help of this software.

Advantages of Traction
  • This farm management software gives access to accounting and field operations on one platform.
  • Farmers can manage multiple business entities in one place and get combined or separate financial reports.
  • Farm data can easily be accessed on phones and tablets, from any location.
  • Tracking revenue and expenses from each field is easy.
  • Traction streamlines workflows that include sampling and prescriptions and integrate information from agronomy with field operations and accounting.

Farm rite

This is a cloud-based farm management software that provides tools to manage farm operations, plan, and optimise production, schedule tasks and activities, track finances, manage customers, etc. It also offers mobile apps for iOS and Android for users to access data on-the-go. In-built tools like calendar, to-do lists, estimating, reporting, activity tracking, etc. helps businesses manage their overall performance. The software helps businesses streamline their digital processes, and farmers can also access industry-specific tools for livestock management, crop growing, and farm operations.

Advantages of Fambrite
  • This farm management software helps in improving farm work orders and tracking data from one secure location.
  • Helps in planning and managing livestock, crops, equipment, customers, orders, and finances in a single place.
  • Eases tracking of all farm records and simplifies crop planning, and seed orders.
  • Identifies trends and potential problems easily.

Summing Up,

Should you wish to measure the performance of your farm, alleviate any shortages, and promote higher crop yields then you need robust farm management software.

For any further information regarding the Australian agriculture company, get in touch with KG2 for extensive research and marketing services.