Farmer Engagement in Agritech


Direct Marketing in Agriculture

Direct marketing comprises marketing that depends on direct communication or distribution to individual consumers, rather than through a third party like mass media. Some the delivery systems such as email, social media, and texting campaigns are commonly used delivery systems. This is known as direct marketing as it eliminates the middlemen like advertising media.

How does Direct Marketing Work?

Traditional public relations campaigns are done through a third party like media publications or mass media whereas direct marketing campaigns operate separately to communicate directly with target audiences. Under direct marketing strategies, companies deliver their messaging and sales pitches through social media, email, mail, or phone/SMS campaigns. Through direct marketing, you can personalize the message you would send out to your customers by inserting the recipient’s name or city to enhance engagement. An essential aspect of direct marketing is a ‘call to action’. Since the recipient is requested to respond by contacting a toll-free phone number, sending a reply card, or clicking on a link in a social media or email, receiving any response from the customer works as a positive indicator. This type of direct marketing is known as direct response marketing.

Direct Marketing Advantages and Disadvantages

Direct Marketing Benefits:

  1. Through direct marketing, you can send specific messages to specific groups of customers and potential customers depending on demographics and customers’ buying behaviour. For a campaign to be successful, your campaign needs to be more successful.
  1. Personalisation is another component of direct marketing and you can reach your audience with a personal touch. Direct mail marketing is done to address a specific person and include details like previous orders. At the same time, a phone call can engage customers in a conversation that would help build a bond with your business.
  1. Email marketing or leafleting is a cost-effective means for SMEs compared to mass media advertising campaigns.
  1. You can also track the success of your campaigns which can help you plan your future campaigns. To do so, you can send marketing messages and ask your recipients to take a particular or use a specific voucher code.
  1. Not only this, but you can also deliver detailed information on your products, services, and prices, unlike other forms of advertising.

Disadvantages of Direct Marketing:

  1. Most consumers find direct marketing disturbing and annoying, specifically telemarketing and door-to-door sales. People usually dislike marketing emails and treat them as spam. Therefore, if customers find marketing tactics annoying, it can create a negative brand association, making your products less likely to purchase. Hence, targeted campaigns are a better option.
  1. At the same time, using leafleting or paper-related direct mail campaigns can have a negative impact on the environment, which in turn can impact your brand image negatively. Instead, try using recycled materials or email campaigns.
  1. Direct marketing strategies have a low response rate, somewhere around 1 to 3 percent. If you reach a customer who isn’t interested in your products or services, these marketing gimmicks are simply a waste of money. To make your campaign successful, you need to use targeted lists instead of sending out mass messages.
  1. Making your messages stand out is a challenging task because of the severely competitive market.
  1. Telemarketing and direct mail can involve high financial and resource costs.
  1. Since there are strict laws relating to privacy and data protection in direct marketing, you need to ensure that your mailing list comprises individuals who have agreed to receive marketing messages from you.

Direct Marketing Strategies for Agriculture

  1. Create an Online Presence: In this digital world, it is essential for every agribusiness to have an online presence. Hence, businesses need to build a brand website, have a listing in online directories like Google my business, do email marketing, and have social media pages to promote products and engage with business customers online. Using this, businesses can reach their customers wherever they are, answer customer queries, sell online, ask for reviews, handle orders, and acquire new customers. 
  1. Advertisements: Advertisements are done on local media, television, radios and online through paid online ads or social media ads like Facebook and Instagram. You can share visually appealing images or videos to inform people about the goods and services of your business, for example, you can share an Instagram image of organic fresh vegetables. 
  1. Partnerships: You can also establish partnerships with small businesses and stores such as supermarkets, small groceries, and shops so that the farm can supply them with fresh produce. Partnering also helps agribusinesses maintain customer relationships and generate regular sales. 
  1. Business Branding: Promoting a branded business is easier than promoting a non-branded one. A branded business has its own unique name and logo that separates it from other businesses in the market. You can also implement your brand’s information on business cards; letterheads, websites, social media, and branded tools to enable people to differentiate your business from other businesses. 
  1. Value Addition: It is easy to promote value-added goods as they are packaged, labelled, branded, and processed; and are hence, of high quality. Consumers do not hesitate from spending on good commodities and selling products in eye-catching packages can easily entice customers. 
  1. Exhibitions: Another great means to promote the products and services provided by any agribusiness is by exhibiting them to people at trade shows and events. People who visit these shows and events are likely to become customers in due time. You can also hand out fliers to people who visit the exhibition that would contain information about your business for future reference. 
  1. Samples and Freebies: If your business is in the nascent stage, handing out samples and freebies is very important. Through food tasting, people can get affiliated with your products and provide recommendations as and when required. 
  1. Offer Discounts: Offering discounts is an excellent marketing gimmick for any business, same with agribusinesses. You can not only offer more for less but also provide free transportation for those purchasing in bulk to their places. 

In the End,

If you are wondering which marketing gimmick will work perfectly for your business, browse through the KG2 website, an independent farmer database in Australia. You can get a detailed insight into the marketing gimmicks that have worked perfectly for several successful farmers. Or, contact us for more personalised recommendations.